
Are You Looking to Reduce Your Water Waste?


Schedule Our Xeriscaping Services in Loveland, Fort Collins, Windsor or Wellington, CO

Maintaining a healthy lawn can take up a lot of water, water that your plants might not even need. That's why we offer an alternative landscaping option. Simply Sod & Landscaping specializes in xeriscaping in Loveland, Fort Collins, Windsor and Wellington, CO. Xeriscaping is the practice of growing drought-tolerant plants, so you can conserve water and reduce yard waste.

Cut back on the resources needed to maintain your yard by switching to xeriscaping. Reach out to us now to learn more about how we can help you reduce your water waste.

Learn About the Principles of Xeriscaping

Several factors go into starting your xeriscaping project. These include:

  • Planning and designing your ideal landscape
  • Planting drought-tolerant grass
  • Improving your soil by composting
  • Using mulch to help your soil retain moisture
  • Irrigating efficiently

We'll walk you through the entire process before we get started. Contact us today to schedule our xeriscaping services.

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